CRiHHI is a research unit operating as a resource for the UBC School of Nursing, Faculty of Applied Science, the University and wider community. We offer an intellectual space to draw together those interested in critical inquiry regarding health and health care inequities. Our purpose is to foster a vibrant and supportive research environment for students, faculty and others engaged in such inquiry.
We aim to:
- Profile critical scholarship and research in the School and the wider community;
- Foster dialogue and action to address health and health care inequities;
- Provide a rich research training environment for graduate and undergraduate students, and postdoctoral fellows;
- Create and foster collaborative relationships and partnerships with a wide range of stakeholders that support research and knowledge development to promote equity in health and health care;
- Promote greater equity in health and health care through the uptake of critical knowledge in practice, policy, education and research;
- Contribute to pedagogy and curriculum development consistent with social justice and equity; and
- Further develop a national and international network of scholars concerned with critical inquiry into health and health care inequities.